A Dozen Free Kindle Books for 03/13/2015

Travel & Quick Meal e-books for Free!

Spring Break for the kids is coming up, and that has gotten me to thinking about travel. Our college-aged daughter had an early Spring Break and was able to escape the oppressive winter that Maine has been enduring. She traveled to Bonaire and spent the entire break scuba diving. The photos were magnificent. Honestly, I’m quite jealous! Her photos and the upcoming breaks have me thinking about travel…so I did some searching and came up with eight free e-books about travel.

Spring Break also puts us past the halfway mark for this part of the school year. Here in Kansas, our kids are out from late May until mid-August. That means that we’re going to have to coordinate lunches at home. While the school food is awful, it is convenient. I don’t really have to worry much about it…the kids either eat the cafeteria food or make their own lunches. But during the summer, I do a lot more cooking…or at least lunch preparation. Frankly, I’ve been in quite a rut with day-off lunches, so I figured why not get some new ideas. The four books I found have some really great ideas…and I’m honestly excited about this summer. Check back in a couple months to see how long it lasts!

Please note, these books were free at the time of this post, but Amazon can change their prices at any time. Please be sure to verify the cost of the books before you buy so you don’t get hit with sticker shock.

While I use the free Kindle e-reader software on my Mac, iPad, and iPhone (shoot, I sound like an Apple commercial!), half the members of the Hectic Household have Kindles. We have regular discussion over which platform is better and why. I can truly say that the Kindle owners love their devices. If you’re looking to buy a Kindle, there are some great deals on Kindle E-readers at Amazon right now!

Please also note that this post contains affiliate links. We don’t get much of a commission when you buy things through our link, but we get a little bit. You don’t pay any more, but Amazon shares a bit of their profit with us. Every little bit helps to fund the Hectic online ventures. We appreciate you using the links, we really do!


Lunches & Quick Meals

More Deals at Amazon

Click here to get the Kindle Daily Deals. There are hundreds of books on specials every day. Don’t worry if you don’t have a Kindle e-Reader, you can download the free Kindle reading app.

Elsewhere on Amazon.com there are great deals every day. Check out the Amazon Daily Deals to see what’s on special today!

Finally, if you’re doing a lot of ordering from Amazon, and you’re not an Amazon Prime member, you should check it out. You can get a free 30-day trial! Imagine free 2-day shipping on most items with no minimum order. You’ll get access to streaming movies and TV shows, and an even larger selection of free Kindle books!

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