Spring is here in full force. In Kansas that means that we vacillate between sunny, warm days and cloudy, cold days. We’re known for temperature swings of up to 50F (10C) in a single day. The wild weather also means that there are days when it’s just obvious that it’s time to do Spring Cleaning and there are other days when it’s just obvious that you ought to stay in bed all day.
Of course, I never get to stay in bed…there are simply too many things to do around the house and out in the yard. With the addition of Hectic Grandson and his Mom to our household we’re spending more time outside. He loves it out there, and stands at the doors and windows pining to go out whenever he’s cooped up in the house. So we’re doing our best to get outside.
Spending more time outside means that we’ve started to think seriously about how we want to garden this year. We’ve always had traditional gardens. The kind that you have to rototill to start the season, hoe and weed throughout the growing season, and curse liberally during both phases. I did some research and have discovered that Straw Bale gardening is a thing. Straw bales are actually pretty easy to come by here in Kansas, so we’re thinking about giving it a try. I’ve also been planning an indoor garden for years. We grew tomatoes and peppers indoors one year and they were amazing. Ironically, that was a horribly hot summer, even for this part of the US. We had a bumper crop while all my friends were left with hardly anything for their hard work outdoors. Check out the nine books I found about gardening. There might be something that sparks your green thumb.
On those days when we haven’t been able to enjoy the outdoors, I’ve been working on our continued attempts to declutter our house. While I’ve already grabbed a number of books on decluttering and house management, I’ve always got my eyes open for more. Eventually I’m going to distill all this material down into a workable system at the Hectic Household. For now we’re still struggling with the constant battle with our stuff. On the plus side, these are e-books, so they don’t clutter up our physical space! Even better, they’re all free.
Since all these books come from Amazon, they require a Kindle reader. If you don’t have one of the excellent Kindle hardware products, you can download the Kindle e-reader software for just about any computer, tablet, or smartphone out there.
Please note, these books were free at the time of this post, but Amazon can change their prices at any time. Please be sure to verify the cost of the books before you buy so you don’t get hit with sticker shock.
While I use the free Kindle e-reader software on my Mac, iPad, and iPhone (dang, I sound like an Apple commercial!), half the members of the Hectic Household have Kindles. We have regular discussion over which platform is better and why. I can truly say that the Kindle owners love their devices. If you’re looking to buy a Kindle, there are some great deals on Kindle E-readers
at Amazon right now!
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