Don’t hate on Monday

Poor Monday. Starting about noon on Sunday my social media feeds are full of all sorts of people bashing on Monday. Young and old, men and women, folks from every walk of life and every economic level. The dislike aimed at Monday is legendary.

Honestly, I don’t get it.

Sure, I like weekends. Theoretically I do different things on weekends than during the week, I get to relax a bit more, and I sometimes even accomplish things that wouldn’t get done on other days of the week. I would also love for my weekends to last longer. I’d get more of that “other stuff” done and I’d feel better about myself, as well as I’d be more accomplished.

But Mondays to me are like a clean slate. They signal a new beginning. They are like the start of a new school year. They are a time for plans and goals…sort of like New Year’s resolutions…but you get to make 52 of them a year.

I’m being absolutely serious here, but I know that lots of you reading this blog are almost as cynical as I am. Well, maybe “cynical” isn’t the right word. “Sarcastic” probably is a better fit. I can hear you mumbling about my having lost my marbles. How I don’t realize the negative connotations that just the word “monday” brings out for people.

Mondays are the day when I’m most prepared for the upcoming week. The day when I have my list of items that needs to be accomplished all in order. Neatly written out or entered into my tracking software. Nothing has interjected itself into my plans yet, so I’m ready to go…ready to conquer the world.

As the week goes by, all sorts of things crop up. In short, life happens. The plans that looked easy to accomplish and very doable on Monday seem to melt into the morass of my week. By Friday the neatly developed list is a shambles and I’m often wondering where the time went.

But on Monday the world is brand spanking new. It’s like freshly laundered sheets. It’s a brand new start.

So this Monday I’m at it again. My projects are enumerated. The tasks that I need to accomplish are prepared. I’m mentally ready to surmount the challenges that lie before me.

And you know what…this week is going to be different. I’m going to knock off the items on my list. I’m going to revel in the fact that I’ve been granted another Monday to accomplish the things that I’m destined to do.

Hopefully I’m not simply destined to be an example to others of how not to live…

So get going today. Grab an extra cup of coffee if that’s what gets you going. Do whatever you have to, but make this Monday one for the record books!

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