For quite some time, I’ve been planning on writing a post about the podcasts that I listen to on a regular basis. While this is something of a moving target, there are a number of podcasts that I listen to on a regular basis. I’ve tried valiantly to get the rest of the Hectic Clan interested in podcasts, but in that regard I’m a dismal failure. In fact, on my most recent trip back from Colorado I had to keep the volume sufficiently low that I didn’t disturb Hectic 23. She and Hectic Mom made it abundantly clear that podcasts are not something they plan on listening to.
No matter how I try to extol the virtues of podcasts, the Hectic Clan continues to avoid them.
So I’m sharing my favorites with you, loyal reader. Hopefully you’ll find something that you enjoy.
I’m also interested in what you listen to in the podcast arena. What are your favorites and why?
My Favorite Podcasts

Back to Work
This is a new podcast to me, although it’s been around a while (231 episodes, in fact). I really enjoy Merlin Mann’s stuff, so I’m giving this one a try. I’ve listened to a enough podcasts to know that it’s one of the better ones out there. Merlin’s style is sufficiently easy-going to keep me interested even when the topic is a bit off my usual radar.

Beyond the To Do List
This has been one of my favorite podcasts for a very long time. I think I’ve listened to all the podcast episode that Erik has put out. Once upon a time, a very long time ago I started listening to this podcast in episode order. I eventually caught up with all the current episodes, and now anxiously await a new episode. Erik talks to guests that are on the periphery of the productivity space as well as those at the very epicenter. His style is very conversational, and I love the questions that he asks and the responses that he elicits!

One of the newest podcasts that I’m listening to. While Myke and CGP Grey have only produced eight episodes, I’ve probably learned more from those eight than from any other similar number from the other podcasts. These two have an interesting style that is both conversational and interactive. While I’m not sure I agree with all the productivity aspects that they’ve discussed, listening to this podcast has made me think very deeply about many of my productivity practices.

Crazy Dad Life
This is one of those podcasts that came along at just the right time in my blogging journey to really strike a chord with me. I discovered Jeff when he was about six episodes in and listened to the episodes in order. Since that initial discover, Jeff and I have become good friends of the electronic variety. We’re still trying to figure out how we’re ever going to meet with our hectic/crazy schedules and our active kids. In all likelihood we’ll meet at a track meet where are kids are competing instead of at a more traditional new media event.

Mac Power Users
Having started my journey with my first generation Mac in 1984, I’ve been in and out of the Macintosh scene several times. Work has pushed me away, but I’ve always come back. This last return to the Macintosh world left me feeling like I’d missed an awful lot. Listening to Mac Power Users brought me back into the fold and helped me get back up to speed much more rapidly than I thought possible. I tend to binge listen to this podcast.

Pursuing a Balanced Life
This is another podcast that I tend to binge listen to. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know Cliff, sharing a very similar approach to life, similar body sizes, and a similar love for biking. Somebody else that I only know electronically, I’ve enjoyed sharing our journeys via Twitter and even moreso listening to him on PABL.
As with so many of the podcasts that I listen to, Cliff caught me at the right time, in the right place, with the right message. I’ve learned a lot from Cliff’s recent journey with his focus on health, and look forward to learning more about his business approach in the future too.

The 5 AM Miracle with Jeff Sanders
I’m really struggling with the whole morning-person, evening-person dichotomy. In reality, I’m both of those…just don’t approach me between about 1:30pm and 4:30pm. I’m not a middle-of-the-day person. Another Jeff (what is it about that name…I guess it was just given to all-around great guys) hosts this podcasts. He brings a ton of energy to the podcast, and I’ll freely admit that I’m not listening to him early in the morning. I’m pretty chipper myself, and I think members of the Hectic Clan would kill me if they heard Mr. Sanders going in the wee hours of the morning. There’s a ton to be learned in this podcast, so I’m working my way through current episodes and then supplementing with older episodes as I can.

The Dalrymple Report
I’m still a bit baffled as to the moniker of this show. It seems to me that Merlin is constantly picking Jim’s brain, but I guess the title works for them. This is another newer show in the podcast world. I’m entirely lost when they get into discussions of music, musicians, and guitars…but I’m learning a little bit with each episode. This podcast is another one that hit me at the right time. I’ve listened to the episodes in a weird order, so I forced myself to go back and start at episode one. With just ten episodes in the can, it wasn’t that hard to have a do-over and listen to them all again. Frankly, just hearing Jim start laughing is enough to make each episode worthwhile. I’m pretty close to a contemporary of these two, so I understand many of their references to older technology…making the podcast that much more interesting to me.

The Fizzle Show
The Fizzle Show is a podcast that I run hot and cold on. It’s an amazing podcast with tons of useful advice and witty banter between the hosts. I’m not really sure why, but I’ll listen to a few episodes, then set it aside, then pick it up again. It’s one podcast that I keep coming back to. I regularly find gems of wisdom in the episodes, so it’s made it to my favorites list.
I’m still a bit too much of a loner to really get into the community aspect of I will admit that I’m intrigued a bit more each week as the hosts talk about one thing or another that Fizzle offers. I keep telling myself, when I make my next million (ok, my first million), I’ll sign up for Fizzle. Who knows, it may be sooner than that!

The Productivity Show
The Productivity Show by Asian Efficiency is a recent addition to my podcast list. It hasn’t quite made it into my regular rotation, but I’ve been binge listening for a while now. The main problem that I face with this show is that there’s so much great advice, and so many things that I discover that I want to do that I get overwhelmed. Coupled with several other podcasts I simply have too many things that I want to change after listening to a few episodes!

The Productivityist Podcast
This is probably one of my favorite podcasts. I discovered Mike Vardy with this podcast as he was in the process of releasing episode two or three. While this isn’t his first podcast, Productivityist was my introduction to him. Quite honestly, I only support one podcast monetarily, and this is the one. With my Patreon support I not only have access to the standard version of the podcast, but there are additional versions or episodes that are available. I find myself listening to Mike’s podcast a couple of times every week…often listening to the same episode several times.

The Smart Passive Income Podcast
Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income was one of the first podcasts that I discovered. He is a great podcaster, and I love what he has to say. As with several of the other podcasts, I get overwhelmed with ideas when I listen to Pat. I’ve finally taken to listening to each episode once wherever I am (often on the mower or when I’m exercising) and then listening again while taking notes. With 172 episodes I have a lot that I still need to go back to, listen again, and take notes.

The Tim Ferris Show
Ever since I read and then listened to the audio book of Tim’s The Four Hour Workweek, I’ve been enthralled with what Tim has to say. Is he a pompous jerk sometimes, sure. Does he cuss enough that I have to listen with headphones lest I expose my kids and wife to his language: Yup. But his interviewing style is interesting, his guests are fascinating, and his non-conformist approach reminds me that you don’t always have to fit in to make progress. This is somewhat of an outlier podcast from the others…but that makes it refreshing.

At this point, if Myke Hurley is podcasting, I’m probably going to listen and be fascinated. He snagged me with his Inquisitive series Behind the App. He’s since moved on to discussing people’s favorite albums…and so Inquisitive fell off my favorites list…only to be replaced by Upgrade in short order. I’m still working my way through he backlog of 47 episodes, but I find them fascinating. My only real complaint is that the episodes, like so much that Myke does, hover at about 90 minutes. That’s a lot of time to dedicate to listening to someone. Of course, at this point I haven’t been disappointed by a single episode.

NEW SHOW: Slouching Towards Thatcham
I’ve been waiting for Tim Lieu to post his first episode of this brand new podcast for some time now. He made an announcement on his blog, that I happened to read one minute after he posted it. I expressed my excitement over his foray into podcasting within minutes, and he seemed truly surprised, and possible a bit taken aback, that I knew he would be podcasting so soon after his announcement. Having read his blog for quite a while this is a podcast that I’m sure I’ll be looking forward to every Saturday!