The other day, I was perusing Twitter and came across a diagram I’ve seen many times before. For some reason, this was the right place and right time for it to hit home.
Isn’t it weird how that happens? You can be 100% aware of something, have seen it dozens of times, and it simply doesn’t matter to you. Then, given the right sense of circumstances, it resonates. Weird.

I guess the time was ripe for me to take this to heart, since I’ve been fretting a lot lately. One of my biggest beefs is such a first world problem. I get really ticked off when somebody leaves the toilet paper roll on the spindle with no paper on it. I mean I get out of control angry. Sometimes it’s just for a second. Other times it can ruin my whole day.

Intellectually, I know it’s stupid. Objectively, I can lean forward and grab a new roll of toilet paper and put it on the spindle. What galls me is that I’m the one having to do it, when somebody else used the last bit of paper.
It’s gotten bad enough that I’ve posted about it on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Stupid, but it’s my reality.
To me, it feels like a sign of disrespect. Whomever was in there last seems to think their time is more valuable than everyone else’s…especially mine. Despite the replacement roll being within arm’s reach, it’s too much trouble to bother to put the new roll on the spindle.
I raise my hand and feel personally victimized by my family!

The obvious solution would be to talk to everyone, explain how this bothers me, and convince them that my way is the right way and the problem would be solved. The Earth would move a smidgen closer to returning to spinning on its correct axis. All would be well.
But talking about toilet paper etiquette seems to be one of those things that’s kind of taboo. At least it feels that way. Every time I get riled up, I decide I need to calm down. Then when I’m calmed down and the opportunity presents itself to discuss the topic…it feels weird. You just don’t talk about what goes on in the bathroom. Even if it’s just about the toilet paper roll.
I have dropped hints, and I’ve even talked with one family member. Of course, that person happened to have exactly the same feelings I did, and felt that toilet paper hanging had somehow been delegated to them. We actually had a laugh about it, now knowing that we had someone to confide in when we couldn’t take it anymore. It was kind of cathartic.

But back to my main point, there I was on Twitter, not looking for enlightenment. Of course, that’s when it happens, right?
I saw the graphic and realized that much of what makes me unhappy comes from things out of my control. The drab weather brings my mood down. The other driver is a certified idiot…and I’m yelling at them how to drive. Somebody doesn’t like me and I get depressed.
Honestly, it’s no way to live. And intellectually I know that. But emotionally I’ve been struggling a lot lately. Outside influences have such a huge impact on me. More than they should.
So I’ve had an epiphany, and I’m seriously trying to live differently. I’ve printed out the image and put it in several places where I see it throughout the day. I’m trying to concentrate on things I can control and adjusting those. The actions, opinions, mistakes, and feelings of others will still be there, but I can choose how I react to them. They don’t need to control me.

Yeah, I know…none of this is rocket science. Today might not be the day it resonates with you. But when it really hit me…it caused me to change my whole thought-pattern.
I’m always telling people to make it a great day. My reasoning is you don’t have a day, you make the day. You act, don’t let things happen to you. Suddenly I was confronted with a great example of exactly how to do this.
So everyday I’m working on what’s inside the green circle. The other stuff can have influence, but it doesn’t need to control me.
It’s only been a couple of days, but honestly I feel a lot better. And I feel more in control.
I guess the real test will be the next time I see an empty toilet paper roll on the spindle…