Word of the Week: Enology

Word of the Week


I’m not really all that into wine, although my wife and daughters all seem to enjoy the vintner’s end-result. I was trying to explain to them that I do enjoy studying the processor making wine. Not so much studying the growing of the grapes, which is called viticulture, but rather the entire process that goes into taking the grapes and converting them into wine. During the discussion, one of the girls said “There must be a word for it…it can’t be wine-making-studying.

After a bit of research, I discovered that Enology is both the science and the study of wine-making. For several weeks, I held this word in reserve, waiting for just the right moment to spring it on the Hectic Clan. Finally, the night arrived when several of them were drinking wine, and I slyly announced, “Did you know that the term for the science and study of wine-making is called Enology?”. Rather than the applause, accolades, and utter amazement that I would know such a thing…I was greeted with the blinking eyes and blank expressions of the Trolls in the movie Frozen.

Since it was such a huge fail here at Hectic Manor, I figured I’d share this bit of knowledge with all my internet friends in hopes that your newly acquired terminology won’t be wasted on your families, but rather make you the life of the party. One to be reckoned with in a game of Scrabble or Words with Friends. A veritable cornucopia of linguistic knowledge.

It’s worth a try, anyway!

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Many pardons to my British friends. Your spelling is a bit different, clinging to the “O” at the beginning, so the proper spelling for you is Oenology.